More than just a local business…

As fun as bounce houses and waterslides are, and as joyful as weddings and community events can be, we have our sights set on more than just providing wonderful experiences for our customers. Did you know that dollars spent at Cosmic actually magnify into a significant community investment? 

While the individual programs we support are listed on our About Us page, our WRA membership is indicative of our greater vision for what we can offer our community.

Read on to learn more about Kingman WRA, and the future that you help support when you do business with Cosmic!

Wholesome Recreational Activities (WRA)

Cosmic is a member of Kingman WRA–an effort that coordinates and supports forms of wholesome recreational activities in Kingman. 

WRA is composed of three groups: operators, officers, and community members. 


WRA Operators are organizations which provide or facilitate wholesome recreational activities in the community. Movie theaters, sports leagues, dance studios, theaters, representatives from scholastic extracurricular organizations, and more are invited to become members.


WRA is currently seeking potential board members willing to invest expertise and funds towards the efforts of developing additional forms of wholesome recreation. Interested individuals will please contact WRA at

Community Members

Families and individuals interested in supporting or enjoying the wholesome recreational activities are invited to join the Kingman’s Kids Facebook group, and to email to join our newsletter.

If you are interested in joining Kingman WRA, or would like additional information, please contact Talon Hicken at


The Future of WRA

Kingman WRA is the inaugural branch for WRA, which plans to expand to support the growth of wholesome recreational activities in rural communities around the nation, with a particular focus on Route 66 communities. 

If you are interested in joining Kingman WRA, or would like additional information, please contact Talon Hicken at